利用者:Yaku/Honyaku 1 Goal頁目

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2008年4月19日 (土) 08:42の版
Yaku (ノート | 投稿記録)

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Yaku (ノート | 投稿記録)


The Erzberg-Rodeo is an internationally renowned offroad event and since 1995 held annually at and on Mount Erzberg in the Eisenerz Alps, Styria, Austria.



Since the middle ages, iron ore is being stoped at the Erzberg, apart from siderite (FeCO3, the world largest deposit) the mountain contains several low iron compounds. Large scale ore exploitation has erased a large part of the mountain, and created many broad traces, scarps, streches of gravel and rock fields, all without vegetation. Conditions, variety and scale of the area have turned the Erzberg into an offroad mecca. With exploitation at current rate (approx. 2 million t / year) the ore reserves of the mountain are estimated to vanish in 2020, leaving behind an economically weak region. In light of this, as well as regarding the general restrictive trend towards off road motorcycle events, the support by local politicians is remarkable.


Although the ErzbergRodeo does neither pay any entry fees [[to attract/hire professional riders (edit.)]] nor provide any prices [[medals etc. (edit.)]] to speak of, the 4 day event has developed into the biggest European enduro event, and a magnet for amateurs and international top stars alike. The enduro event takes place in May or June and uses 2 different routes.

- Day 1-3: approx. 13 km of gravelup to near the summit (best times are below 10 min)
- Tag 4: Hare Scramble of approx. 35 km, with the notorious hill climbs [[cliffs (edit.)]], bolder fileds, no help zones, etc.; set up varies each time (fastest times 1½-3 h, extremely difficult)

The typical program of the event looks as follows:

  • Thursdays: - "Kings Class" (2-cylinders, 2 runs, the better time counts, since 2005)
- "Rodeo-X Endurocross" (motocross event, from 2008 on also on Thursday)
  • Fridays: "Iron Road Prolog" Run# 1 (Classes: 2 & more cylinder ("Desert Bombers"), street bikes, scooters & small bikes, ladies class, Quads (replacement for single cylinder street bike class "Standard-Singles", since 2004)
  • Saturdays: "Iron Road Prolog" Lauf 2 (Klassen s.o., Strafzeit bei erheblicher Abweichung der Zeiten von Lauf 1 & 2, Beste 500 qualifizieren sich für den Folgetag)
  • Sundays: The notorious "Hare Scramble" with 10 starig lines of 50 riders each (time limit 4h, completion [[完走]] rate approx. 5%)

Past Rodeos and Results


Hare Scramble

  1. David Knight
  2. Andreas Lettenbichler
  3. Cyril Despres

New: BMW Motorsport Team for the first time participates in Kings Class and Prolog with HP2 Enduro.Riders are Gerhard Forster, Jimmy Lewis, Simo Kirssi, Christian Pfeiffer.Results:

Ranking Prolog 1 Prolog 2    Kings Class   
1   Simon Kirssi     Simon Kirssi    
2               Simon Kirssi
4   Chris Pfeiffer     Chris Pfeiffer    
5           Chris Pfeiffer
6   Jimmy Lewis     Jimmy Lewis   Jimmy Lewis
8           Gerhard Forster
20   Gerhard Forster     Gerhard Forster    

HP riders, unless indicated differently


Statistics of the 13th ErzbergRodeo as given by the organizer: 1376 riders, approx. 250 journalists, 20.000 spectators

New: Rodeo-X Endurocross

Hare Scramble 2007 15 Checkpoints (Discontinued after 2h58' due to thunderstorm):

  1. Tadeuz Blazusiak, Poland, borrowed KTM
  2. Tom Sager, UK, KTM
  3. Juha Salminen, Finland, KTM
  4. Wayne Braybrook, UK, GasGas
  5. Paul Edmondson, UK, Suzuki
  6. Gerhard Forster, Germany, Beta
  7. Paul Bolton, UK, Honda
  8. Marco Tarkkala, Finland, KTM
  9. Kyle Redmond, USA, KTM
  10. Ralf Scheidhauer, Germany, KTM
  11. Rudi Pöschle, Austria, KTM
  12. Markus Jackson, UK, KTM
  13. Ralf Dennenmoser, Germany, Beta
  14. Erich Brandauer, Austria, Husaberg
  15. Hansi Leitner, Austria, GasGas
  16. Rene Dietrich, Germany, KTM
  17. Darryl Curtis, South Africa, KTM
  18. Marty Halmazna, Canada, KTM
  19. Alex Antor, Andorra, KTM
  20. Klaus Martinjak, Austria, GasGas
  21. Justin Wilson, UK, KTM
  22. Roland Sailer, Austria, KTM

Cyril Depres: Retire due to tyre problem CP 7

Simo Kirssi until CP5 on HP2 (!)

Chris Pfeiffer and Andreas Lettenbichler on GX450 with technical problems

Ranking Prolog 1 Prolog 2    Kings Class   
1   Simon Kirssi     Simon Kirssi   Simon Kirssi
2   Werner Müller 129 (SE)    Werner Müller 129 (SE)  David Knight (SE)
3  Mickey Dymond     Juha Salminen (SE)   Werner Müller 129 (SE)
4   Werner Müller 10 (KTM300)     Mickey Dymond   Giovanni Sala (SE)
5   Chris Pfeiffer     Giovanni Sala (SE)   Marc Coma (SE)
6   Giovanni Sala (SE)     Bernhard Walzer (KTM300)   Mickey Dymond
7   Klaus Martinjak (Aprilia)     Werner Müller 10 (KTM300)   Chris Pfeiffer
8   Juha Salminen (300EXC)     Chris Pfeiffer   Greg Tracy

Prolog second run down to rank 8same as overall result

Kings Class: overall result (2 runs)

HP riders, unless indicated differently



(Erzberg XIV) 23. - 25. Mai 2008 (Iron Prolog on Friday and Saturday, Hare Scramble on Sunday)

"Less harmfull" route layout for less experienced riders, additional challenges for professional riders.

Endurocross as well as hill climb (for the first time) open for training purposes 3 days prior to Hare Scramble

Rodeo-X Endurocross 2008 in 3 categories


  • 主催: Motorsportverband ASKÖ MSA
  • Direction: Karl Katoch (MSA President)
  • Sponsors: RodeoX GmbH, ORF SPORT, KTM, RED BULL, die TELEKOM, Land Steiermark
  • Media Contact: Agentur Artcore, Himberg


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